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Text File
667 lines
* QCONFIG.NE -- Configuration file for QEDIT2 to emulate Norton Editor
* First Written: 24-AUG-89 Tim Farley
* Last Revised: 28-AUG-89 Tim Farley Norton Editor v1.3C, QEdit 2.08.
* 07-NOV-89 TF Misc. edits.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* QEdit has literally HUNDREDS more options and commands than does Norton
* Editor. As such, we recommend you read the QEdit manual to familiarize
* yourself with these, before extensively customizing this file.
* All Norton Editor commands that are possible in QEdit are emulated in this
* file as closely as possible. In addition, as many of QEdit's "default"
* key assignments (including many WordStar-like keys) are carried over as is
* possible. The help screen shows only those keys that differ from the
* defaults in the QEdit manual and reference card.
* NOTE: Between the two-key NE commands, and the two-key WordStar commands,
* this QCONFIG file uses up all the available space in QEdit for
* two-key commands. If you need to define more two-keys, you will
* have to undefine one existing one for each new one.
* In addition, some QEdit commands are assigned to "Norton-like" F-key
* sequences for consistency (e.g., F4 H for Horizontal split).
* These are marked with "+" in the help screen.
* Within this file, where QEdit differs from Norton Editor in
* implementation of a particular command, it is noted whenever possible.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Below are other QCONFIG options you should set to closely duplicate
* the default NE configuration. You will have to select these
* from the menus within QCONFIG. For any options not listed here, just
* hit <RETURN> to keep the default, or configure to your preference:
* (A)dvanced options: For large For under-
* ------------------- block cursor: score cursor:
* Should QEdit change the cursor size (Y/N)? [Y] : Y Y
* Do you want a large flashing cursor (Y/N)? [N] : Y N
* .
* .
* Do you want the return command to split lines in insert mode (Y/N)? [Y] : Y
* .
* .
* Do you want the ESCAPE command to invoke the menus (Y/N)? [Y] : Y
* Do you want to invoke the editor at a specified line number (Y/N)? [N] : Y
* (C)olor and screen:
* -------------------
* Statusline position: "T" for top, "B" for bottom [T] : B
* .
* .
* Number of columns to scroll horizontally for screen
* lt/rt commands [1..400] [1] : 1
* .
* .
* . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
* . === === === === === === === ===
* Blocked Text: [112] : 112 26* 15* 111* 48* 32* 49* 48*
* Error msgs: [112] : 112 36* 116* 126* 12* 12* 28* 116*
* Text Area: [7] : 7 2 23 71 32 48 113 112
* Status Line: [112] : 112 32 113 116 2 3 23 7
** Cursor Line: [15] : 15 10 31 79 47 63 121 127
** Messages: [15] : 15 46 113 116 2 3 23 7
** Hi-lited items: [9] : 9 9 26 78 43 57 123 123
** EOF line/indicator: [15] : 15 10 31 79 47 63 121 127
* Help screen: [112] : 15 10 31 79 47 63 121 127
** Box borders: [15] : 15 43 123 124 10 11 27 11
** PopUp windows: [15] : 15 43 123 124 10 11 27 11
** Menu items: [15] : 15 42 126 116 2 15 19 3
** Selected Menu items: [112] : 112 26 30 79 43 31 113 27
* ^
* QEdit's defaults-------| Use the column of numbers above that matches
* the color set in Norton that you use:
* Those marked with ** have
* no real equivalent in NE. 1. White text on Black background
* 2. Green text on Black background
* Attributes marked with * 3. White text on Blue background
* are not precise equivalents 4. White text on Red background
* to NE. Some compromises 5. Black text on Green background
* had to be made to allow for 6. Black text on Cyan background
* differences QEdit. 7. Blue text on White background
* 8. Black text on White background
* (G)eneral options:
* ------------------
* Do you want the del_ch command to join lines if at EOL (Y/N)? [Y] : Y
* Do you want the PQuit, Exit and File commands to
* return to "edit file" prompt (Y/N)? [Y] : N
* Do you want the editor to start in wordwrap mode (Y/N)? [N] : N
* Default right margin for wordwrap [1..512] [72] : 65
* Do you want the editor to start in insertmode (Y/N)? [Y] : Y
* Do you want the editor to start in autoindent mode (Y/N)? [Y] : N
* Do you want the editor to use "sticky" autoindent (Y/N)? [N] : Y
* .
* .
* Delete white space after words with del_rt_word command (Y/N)? [Y] : N
* Terminate files with a Control Z (Y/N)? [N] : Y
* Do you want "backups" of saved files (Y/N)? [Y] : Y
* Prompt for filename on open window (Y/N)? [N] : Y
* Close window when a file is quit (Y/N)? [Y] : Y
* .
* .
* Insert line blocks ABOVE the cursor line (Y/N)? [N] : Y
* (T)ab settings:
* ---------------
* Do you want the editor to start in Physical Tab Expansion Mode (Y/N)? [Y] : Y
* Do you want the editor to start in Tabs Out mode (Y/N)? [N] : Y
* Default physical tab width [2,4, or 8] [8] : 8
* Default Cursor tab width [2..12] [8] : 8
* .
* .
* Do you want the editor to start in Smart Tabs Mode (Y/N)? [N] : N
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* function key set
f1 QuickHelp
* F2 is "status" in Norton. No such command in QEdit.
* *********************************************************************
* * F3 starts all Norton's "File Commands" *
* *********************************************************************
f3_e File
* QEdit will only ask you Yes/No if there actually have been changes.
f3_q PQuit
* SaveFile doesn't ask you a yes/no question first, ever.
f3_s SaveFile
* F3-X does two different things in Norton, depending on if the screen is
* already split. We split this into f3_h to Horizontally split the window,
* and f3_x to Xchange to other window.
f3_h HorizontalWindow
f3_x NextWindow
f3_n NewFile
* Norton Appends text to the end of the file on this command. QEdit
* is more flexible--it will let you read the text in at the cursor position.
f3_a ReadBlock
* The following two commands have no meaning in QEdit, because QEdit
* always loads the entire file into memory.
f3_c ChangeFilename
* *********************************************************************
* * F4 starts all Norton's "Block Commands" *
* *********************************************************************
* DropAnchor might also be a choice for F4-S. MarkCharacter is closest to NE.
f4_s MarkCharacter
f4_r UnmarkBlock
* Unlike NE, QEdit *can* UnKill text deleted with DeleteBlock. Hence, there
* is no Yes/No question on the following.
f4_d DeleteBlock
* QEdit makes no distinction between single file and multi-file block copies.
* Also, NE leaves the SOURCE marked, QEdit leaves the DESTINATION marked after
* the copy or move is complete. See Copy/Cut/Paste for alternate approaches.
f4_c CopyBlock
f4_w CopyBlock
f4_m MoveBlock
* Note: This behaves differently than NE. In NE, this marks the current
* line as a character block. In QEdit, this starts/stops a LINE block.
f4_l MarkLine
* F4-E is mark to end of line. We could do that in a macro, but QEdit
* does not let you assign macros to two-keys as of version 2.08.
f4_e MarkLine
* This jumps unconditionally, it does not search forward only.
f4_f GotoBlockBeg
* The following are added to Norton's structure to allow you to use QEdit's
* additional features with Norton-like commands:
f4_k MarkColumn
f4_o Copy
f4_u Cut
f4_p Paste
* *********************************************************************
* * F5 starts all Norton's "Screen Format Commands" *
* *********************************************************************
* NOTE: Setting the line length also turns WordWrap ON in QEdit 2.08.
f5_l SetRMargin
f5_w ToggleWordWrap
* QEdit only treats blank lines as Paragraph delimiters.
* Also, QEdit will use the AutoIndent margin as a left margin when wrapping.
f5_f WrapPara
f5_t SetCTabWidth
f5_i ToggleIndent
* C - sets Cursor size, D - sets Display color.
* S - Saves editor, K - changes Key operations.
* You can only set the these in QCONFIG, not in the editor.
* Hence, they remain unassigned here.
* *********************************************************************
* * F6 starts all Norton's "Miscellaneous Commands" *
* *********************************************************************
f6_g GotoLine
f6_m Match
* Condensed mode could be done in a macro, with an external grep utility.
* The INS key, and Insert versus Replace mode work a little different
* in QEdit.
f6_ins ToggleInsert
* Test windows for differences could be done in a macro, with an external
* file compare utility.
* *********************************************************************
* * F7 starts all Norton's "Printer Commands" *
* *********************************************************************
f7_p PrintAll
f7_b PrintBlock
f7_e PrintEject
f7_s SetPrintPageSize
f7_m SetPrintLeftMargin
* F8 is "reserved for future use" in Norton Editor
f9 Shell
* F10 is "reserved for future use" in Norton Editor
* enhanced keyboard only
#f1 ToggleBoxDraw
#f3 Sort
#f5 MakeCtrOfScreen
#f7 ShiftLeft
#f8 ShiftRight
* enhanced keyboard only
* *********************************************************************
* * Control-Function Keys are set to pull one of QEdit's menus that *
* * corresponds to the similarly numbered Norton lead-in key. For *
* * instance, F3 is Norton's File command, ^F3 is QEdit's File *
* * Menu. To help the user learn QEdit's pull-down system. *
* * Unassigned lead-in keys from NE are set to other QEdit menus. *
* * *
* * Control-F1 is an exception--it's from the default QEdit config. *
* *********************************************************************
^f1 ToggleEGA43
^f2 MacroBegin MainMenu 'W'
^f3 MacroBegin MainMenu 'F'
^f4 MacroBegin MainMenu 'B'
^f5 MacroBegin MainMenu 'O'
* There is no real equivalent for F6 in QEdit's menus, so we use "Search"
^f6 MacroBegin MainMenu 'S'
^f7 MacroBegin MainMenu 'P'
^f8 MacroBegin MainMenu 'M'
^f9 MacroBegin MainMenu 'E'
^f10 MacroBegin MainMenu 'Q'
* enhanced keyboard only
@f1 ToggleBoxType
@f2 InsertLine
@f3 Match
@f5 ScreenLeft
@f6 ScreenRight
@f9 Dos
@f10 ShowEntryScreen
* enhanced keyboard only
* special keys
cursorup CursorUp
cursordown CursorDown
cursorleft CursorLeft
cursorright CursorRight
^cursorleft WordLeft
^cursorright WordRight
home BegLine
end EndLine
* Note that BegScreen and EndScreen are unassigned, because ^home & ^end
* do the same thing as ^pgup & ^pgdn in Norton Editor.
^home BegFile
^end EndFile
* PageUp and PageDown do the same thing, no matter the cursor location,
* in QEdit. (In Norton, they only scroll if the cursor is sitting on
* the top or bottom line, respectively).
pgup PageUp
pgdn PageDown
^pgdn EndFile
^pgup BegFile
#tab TabLt
tab TabRt
ins ToggleInsert
del DelCh
backspace Backspace
^backspace DelLtWord
enter Return
^enter ExecuteScrap
escape Escape
grey* Paste
grey+ Copy
grey- Cut
^prtsc PasteOver
* Macro to edit the file whose name is sitting at the cursor in the editor
^] MacroBegin AltWordSet MarkWord Copy DefaultWordSet EditFile Paste Return
^- GetPrev
* alternate keys
* Alt-A is DropAnchor by Default. But NE has F4 S for that.
* So lets recover QEdit's AddLine (normally F2).
@a AddLine
@b WrapPara
* NE's CONTINUE search forward. QEdit just continues in same direction.
@c RepeatFind
* Alt-D is DelLine by Default. But NE has ALT-K for that.
* So lets recover QEdit's DupLine (normally F4).
@d DupLine
@e EditFile
* NE's FORWARD search.
@f Find
@g DeleteBlock
@h QuickHelp
@i ToggleTabsOut
@j JoinLine
* NE's delete entire line.
@k DelLine
* NE's delete from cursor forward, on this line.
@l DelToEol
* In NE, Control-M acts the same as ENTER. So, we have to move MacroRecord
* to Alt-M so that Control-M can be set to Return
@m MacroRecord
@n NextFile
@o ChangeFilename
* NE's insert control character, synonym on Alt-P too.
@p Literal
* Alt-Q recovers QEdit's GPQuit (normally F3).
@q GPQuit
* Alt-R for search and REPLACE. QEdit does not integrate Find/Replace like NE
@r FindReplace
@s SplitLine
* Alt-T recovers QEdit's MakeTopOfScreen (normally F5).
@t MakeTopOfScreen
* UnKill is closest to NE's Undelete, but see also UndoCursorline
@u UnKill
* Flip case FORWARD to line end. NOTE: this unmarks the current block.
@v MacroBegin UnMarkBlock DropAnchor EndLine DropAnchor Flip GotoBlockBeg UnMarkBlock
* NE's delete by words, forward.
@w DelRtWord
@x GExit
@y GSave
@z CopyOverBlock
@1 Upper
@2 Lower
@3 Flip
@= MacroBegin MarkWord Copy Find Paste Return Return
* control keys
* ^A & ^F are normally WordStar-like WordLeft and WordRight.
* Since ^F is taken by NE, we might as well surrender ^A also.
^b_a AppendScrBuff
^b_l GetScrBuff
^b_s StoreScrBuff
* NE's CONTINUE search backward. QEdit just continues in same direction.
^c RepeatFind
^d CursorRight
^e CursorUp
* NE's REVERSE search. We use macros to insure backward motion.
^f MacroBegin Find Pause Return Pause EndLine 'B' Return
^g DelCh
* The next two are the same in QEdit as in NE.
* These are the normal ASCII equivalents for Backspace and Tab
^h Backspace
^i TabRt
^j GotoLine
* *********************************************************************
* * WordStar ^K (BLOCK) commands. We recover enough of QEdit's *
* * default ones to cover all the features not already duplicated *
* * on other keys. You might wish to delete these, or activate or *
* * deactivate a different set. *
* *********************************************************************
^k_b MarkBlockBegin
^k_k MarkBlockEnd
^k_d File
^k_q PQuit
^k_s SaveFile
^k_t MarkWord
^k_r ReadBlock
^k_w WriteBlock
^k_z KillFile
* ^k_c CopyBlock
* ^k_e EditFile
* ^k_f ChangeFilename
* ^k_h UnmarkBlock
* ^k_n NextFile
* ^k_p PrevFile
* ^k_v MoveBlock
* ^k_x File
* ^k_y DeleteBlock
* NE's delete from cursor backward, on this line.
^l MacroBegin SplitLine DelLine BegLine
* NE honors the ASCII equivalent to RETURN, control-M.
* We moved MacroRecord to Alt-M to accomdate this.
^m Return
^n SplitLine
* *********************************************************************
* * WordStar ^O (OTHER) commands. We recover enough of QEdit's *
* * default ones to cover all the features not already duplicated *
* * on other keys. You might wish to delete these, or activate or *
* * deactivate a different set. *
* *********************************************************************
^o_c CloseWindow
^o_e ToggleTabsExpand
^o_g GrowWindow
^o_o OneWindow
^o_s ShrinkWindow
^o_z ZoomWindow
* ^o_h HorizontalWindow
* ^o_l SetPrintLeftMargin
* ^o_n NextWindow
* ^o_p PrevWindow
* ^o_r SetRMargin
* ^o_w ToggleWordWrap
* Same in NE as it is in QEdit.
^p Literal
* *********************************************************************
* * WordStar ^Q (QUICK) commands. We recover enough of QEdit's *
* * default ones to cover all the features not already duplicated *
* * on other keys. You might wish to delete these, or activate or *
* * deactivate a different set. *
* *********************************************************************
^q_l UndoCursorline
^q_p PrevPosition
^q_t ToggleSmartTabs
* ^q_a FindReplace
* ^q_b GotoBlockBeg
* ^q_c EndFile
* ^q_d EndLine
* ^q_e BegScreen
* ^q_f Find
* ^q_i ToggleIndent
* ^q_k GotoBlockEnd
* ^q_r BegFile
* ^q_s BegLine
* ^q_x EndScreen
* ^q_y DelToEol
* We use ^R for reverse search and REPLACE. NE's search & replace is
* integrated into the single ^F command. QEdit does not do this.
^r MacroBegin FindReplace Pause Return Pause Return CursorRight 'B' Pause Return
^s CursorLeft
^t DelRtWord
* UnKill is closest to NE's Undelete, but see also UndoCursorline
^u UnKill
* Flip case BACK to line beginning. NOTE: this unmarks the current block.
^v MacroBegin UnMarkBlock MarkCharacter BegLine MarkCharacter Flip GotoBlockEnd UnMarkBlock
* NE's delete by words, backward.
^w DelLtWord
^x CursorDown
^y DelLine
* ^W and ^Z are normally WordStar-like ScrollUp & ScrollDown.
* Since ^W is taken by NE, we might as well surrender ^Z also.
* other enhanced only keys
greyenter Return
^greyenter ExecuteScrap
^cursordown LineDown
^cursorup LineUp